Lavender Espresso Cheese with Fresh Pesto


Lavender espresso cheese with pesto????? Absolutely! That is one thing I love about cooking, standing in the kitchen with great music and a nice drink pairing different ingredients together to see what works, doesn’t work, and even better what creates a flavor explosion!! This hors d’ oeuvre does not disappoint!! Again, its made of minimal ingredients and it is so super easy to whip up… That is unless you are like me and get really into the music you are listening to. For instance while making this dish I was listening to Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine by The Killers and exactly at 3 min 15 sec into the song no mater what I am doing I will drop it and next thing you know my hips are swaying and my fist is pumping in the air! I am sure that has got to be quite the sight to see. I urge you to check out the song and trust me, you will get it. 😉 Good thing I wasn’t taking something out of the oven because I would have automatically dropped it! LOL!! I LOVE THIS STUFF! 🙂

Well that was fun, even more fun is this scotch pairing I’m trying…


I recommend it to anyone who would like to get into scotches but doesn’t know where to start. What they do is they have you pick out three different kinds and have you try them. Then you take notes on what you though of the flavor and the next time you go in you try 3 more and so on until you find one you like. It’s very affordable.

Ok Ok I will get on with it and tell you…

What You Will Need:
1 Ounce Lavender Espresso Cheese, sliced thin (I love Bee Hive Cheese, check out their website they will ship to you)

1 1/2 Tbsp Fresh Basil Pesto (Homemade if you can)

1/2 Ounce raw Walnuts, broken into little pieces

4 Fresh Basil Leaves, torn

Any kind of cracker you like (I like to use a cracker that is very thin and wont take away from the flavor.)

Now Turn up your music and prep your Mis en Place 🙂


Assemble your snack:

Cracker, cheese, pesto, walnut, and top it with a fresh basil leaf.

That’s it! What did I tell you?? I look forward to hearing what you thought of the flavor combinations.

Makes 1 serving (9 crackers)

210.2 cals, 6.2 G fat, 10 G carb, 2.3 G fiber, 4.6 G sugar

Extra: I need your advice, I will be heading to Nantucket and Manhattan this week and I was wanting to know if you guys had any great restaurant recommendations for me? I would really appreciate them. I cant wait to tell you about my trip.

Cheers to another Waistline Friendly Meal!



3 thoughts on “Lavender Espresso Cheese with Fresh Pesto

  1. Never would have thought about this kind of combination. Looks absolutely delicious. Hope you have a great trip. Something tells me NY has one or two restaurants you might find appealing. Here’s to a tasteful pallet and safe travels!


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